To debug crashes with cgminer on windows, use one of the .exe files in this
directory after installing drmingw from the file in this

To install drmingw, extract the file somewhere and you have to
install it as administrator, from a command prompt started as administrator. To
do this, go to your start menu entry for command prompt but instead of left
clicking on it, right click on it and choose start as administrator. Then from
the command prompt 'cd' your way into the directory where you have extracted
drmingw and type 'drmingw -i'. This will install drmingw as a debugger for when
an application crashes.

Once drmingw is installed, start the debug build of cgminer as you would
normally start cgminer. If it does crash, a dialogue box will come up from
windows after it has stopped responding giving you the option to 'debug the
program' instead of just terminating it. Choose this option and a drmingw window
should come up with lots of information. This is the information you should copy
and paste to send me to help me debug the program.


To debug crashes with cgminer on linux, if you are building cgminer for
yourself, you can make a debug build by adding "-g" to your CFLAGS and not
running the strip command on the executable you generate. Alternatively if you
are on ubuntu linux you can use one of the executables in this directory. To
get debugging information, enable core dumps in your linux distribution by
 ulimit -c unlimited
before running cgminer. If this is not enough to get coredumps in your linux
distribution, you will have to google what other settings need to be changed
for your specific flavour of linux. Then if it crashes, it will say "core
dumped". Once you have a core dump, you can give debugging information directly
to me by getting the information from the 'gdb' debugging application like so:
 gdb cgminer core
 bt full
and sending me all the information from the bt full command.

Con Kolivas