README.Assembler Notes about CRC Assembly Language Coding. lrzip-0.21 makes use of an x86 assembly language file that optimizes CRC computation used in lrzip. It includes a wrapper C file, 7zCrcT8.c and the assembler code, 7zCrcT8U.s. configure should detect your host system properly and adjust the Makefile accordingly. If you don't have the nasm assembler or have a ppc or other non- x86 system, the standard C CRC routines will be compiled and linked in. If for any reason configure does not properly detect your system type, or you do not want assembler modules to be compiled, you can run ASM=no ./configure which will automatically not include the asm module or change the line ASM_OBJ=7zCrcT8.o 7zCrcT8U.o to ASM_OBJ=7zCrc.o in Makefile. This will change the dependency tree. To force assembly module compilation and linking (if configure does not detect your system type properly), type ASM=yes ./configure or change the Makefile to include the ASM_OBJ files as described above. Type `make clean' and then re-run make. Peter Hyman