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セイ, ショウ

Strokes: 4
well, well crib, town, community
[ゆせい] (n) oil well
[いど] (n) water well
[てんじょう] (n) ceiling, ceiling price
[つつい] (n) round well
[い] (n) well
[いげた] (n) well lining, well curb
[せいせん] (n) (water) well
[せいてい] (n) well bottom, narrow place
宿 [ちちりぼし] (n) Chinese "Well" constellation (one of the 28 mansions)
[しせい] (n) the street, the town
[せいもく] (n) the nine principal points in a game of go
[いづつ] (n) well crib

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