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キョウ, ケイ, キン

Strokes: 8
capital, 10**16
[ぺきん] (n) Beijing (China), Peking
[とうきょう] (n) Tokyo (current capital of Japan)
[ちゅうきょう] (n) Nagoya and environs
[じょうきょう] (n,vs) proceeding to the capital (Tokyo)
[ききょう] (n,vs) returning to Tokyo
[きょうと] (n) Kyoto
[けいせい] (n) train line Tokyo - Narita
[ざいきょう] (n,vs) being in Tokyo
[けいはん] (n) Kyoto-Osaka
[ていきょう] (n) the capital
[みやこ] (n) capital, metropolis
[きょうち] (n) the capital, Kyoto and its environs

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