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Strokes: 12
recruit, campaign, gather (contributions), enlist, grow violent
[おうぼ] (n,vs) subscription, application
[ぼしゅう] (n,vs) recruiting, taking applications
[こうぼ] (n,vs) public appeal (e.g. for contributions), public offering (of securities), public advertisement (of a post)
[ぼきん] (n,vs,adj-no) fund-raising, collection of funds
[だいぼしゅう] (n) mass recruitment
[ぼさい] (n,vs) raising of a loan, loan floatation
[しぼ] (n,vs) private offering (of securities), private placement
[ぼへい] (n,vs) (military) recruiting
[きゅうぼ] (n,vs) urgent recruit
[しょうぼ] (n,vs) levy, enlistment
[ちょうぼ] (n,vs) enlistment, recruitment
[こうぼさい] (n,vs) public issue

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