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ショウ, ソウ

Strokes: 13
exhort, urge, encourage
[すいしょう] (n,vs) recommendation, endorsement
[せんしょう] (n,vs) recommendation
[しょうがく] (n) encouragement to study
[かんしょう] (n,vs) encouragement, stimulation
[しょうれい] (n,vs) encouragement, promotion, message, address
[ほうしょうきん] (n) cash bonus, reward, bounty
[しょうがくきん] (n) scholarship
[ほうしょうきん] (n) cash bonus, reward, bounty
[しょうがくきん] (n) scholarship
[すいしょうかんきょう] (n) (comp) system requirements (i.e. recommended hardware and software to run a package)
[ほうしょう] (n,vs) bonus, bounty, reward, compensation
[ほうしょう] (n) compensation

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