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ひめ, ひめ-

Strokes: 10
[ひめ] (n) (1) princess, young lady of noble birth, (n-suf,n) (2) girl, (pref) (3) small & lovely
[ひめぎみ] (n) (hon) daughter of a person of high rank (i.e. a king, noble, aristocrat, etc.)
[うたひめ] (n) songstress
[まいひめ] (n) (temple) dance
[おりひめ] (n) woman textile worker
[ひめみや] (n) princess
[びき] (n) beautiful maiden, beauty
[ひめさま] (n) daughter of a nobleman
[おとひめ] (n) youngest princess
[おとひめ] (n) melody or flushing sound played by a Japanese toilet to mask excretion sounds
[いとひめ] (n) woman factory worker in weaving industry
[せんひめ] (n) Princess Sen

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