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ソウ, ゾウ
つかさ, ともがら, へや

Strokes: 11
cadet, friend
[ほうそう] (n) legal profession, lawyer
[ほうそうかい] (n) legal circles
[そうし] (n) cadet
[へいそう] (n) warrant soldier
[じそう] (n) children
[りくそう] (n) non-commissioned officer
[ぐんそう] (n) sergeant
[じゅうそう] (n) baking soda, sodium bicarbonate
[かいそう] (n) petty officer (navy)
[そうちょう] (n) master sergeant, sergeant major (JSDF)
[くうそう] (n) noncommissioned officer of the Japanese Air Self Defense Forces (Defence)
[さんそう] (n) sergeant (JSDF)

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