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Strokes: 9
watch over, see
[かんご] (n,vs) nursing, (army) nurse
[かんか] (n,vs) connivance, shutting one's eyes to
[かんしゅ] (n,vs) jailer, gaoler
[かんばん] (n) sign, signboard, doorplate, poster, billboard, appearance, figurehead, policy, attraction, closing time
[かんびょう] (n,vs) nursing (a patient)
[かんごふ] (n) (female) nurse
[かんし] (n,vs) a watch, being on the lookout
[かんぱ] (n,vs) penetration, see through, fathom, reading another's thoughts
[かんきん] (n,vs) silent reading of sutra
[かんかく] (n) spectators, visitors, audience
[かんきゃく] (n) spectators, visitors, audience
[かんしゅ] (n,vs) seeing through, perceiving, noticing, getting wind of

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