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はじ.る, すすめ.る, .ずかしい

Strokes: 11
feel ashamed
[はじ] (n) shame, embarrassment
[しゅうち] (n) shyness, bashfulness
[がんしゅう] (n) shyness
[しゅうちしん] (n) shyness, shame
[おじぎそう] (n) (1) mimosa, (2) sensitive plant
[しゅうちしん] (n) shyness, shame
[おじぎそう] (n) (1) mimosa, (2) sensitive plant
[へいげつしゅうか] (n) the charms of a uniquely beautiful woman (lit: (so beautiful that) the Moon is abashed and flowers wilt)
[しゅうげつへいか] (n) the charms of a uniquely beautiful woman (lit: (so beautiful that) the Moon is abashed and flowers wilt)
[へいげつしゅうか] (n) the charms of a uniquely beautiful woman (lit: (so beautiful that) the Moon is abashed and flowers wilt)
[しゅうげつへいか] (n) the charms of a uniquely beautiful woman (lit: (so beautiful that) the Moon is abashed and flowers wilt)
[へいげつしゅうか] (n) the charms of a uniquely beautiful woman (lit: (so beautiful that) the Moon is abashed and flowers wilt)

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