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ヘイ, ヒョウ
もち, もちい

Strokes: 14
mochi rice cake
[せんべい] (n) rice cookie, Japanese cracker, wafer
[あんも] (n) (1) mochi rice cake
[もちあみ] (n) grill or grate for toasting rice cakes
[しりもち] (n) falling on one's backside (behind, bottom)
[もちはだ] (n) soft skin, smooth skin
[ちんもち] (n) rice cakes made after the customer has paid for them
[さくらもち] (n) rice cake with bean paste wrapped in a preserved cherry leaf
[かがみもち] (n) mirror-shaped mochi, usu. a pair stacked in order of size with a daidai on top, used as a New Year offering, then cut and eaten on January 11.
[やきもち] (n) (1) jealousy, (2) roasted rice cake
[かんもち] (n) mochi made in winter
[けっぺい] (n) (blood) clot
[もちや] (n) rice cake shop keeper, rice cake store (shop)

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