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, キュウ, キン

Strokes: 11
tortoise, turtle
[かめ] (n) tortoise, turtle
[きれつ] (n) crack, crevice, fissure, chap
[きこう] (n) tortoise shell
[きっこう] (n) tortoise shell
[かめばら] (n) white plaster bun-shaped mound (used to support base stones, etc.)
[ほうき] (n) Houki era (770.10.1-781.1.1)
[ぜにがめ] (n) pond turtle
[じんき] (n) (1) Jinki era (724.2.4-729.8.5), Shinki era
[きとう] (n) glans (esp. glans penis)
[うみがめ] (n) loggerhead, sea turtle
[げんき] (n) Genki era (1570.4.23-1573.7.28)
[いしがめ] (n) var. of turtle (clemmys japonica)

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