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.く, .ける, -.れ

Strokes: 12
split, rend, tear
[きれつ] (n) crack, crevice, fissure, chap
[はれつ] (n,vs) explosion, rupture, break off
[けつれつ] (n,vs) breakdown, rupture
[ぶんれつ] (n,vs) split, division, break up
[かくぶんれつ] (n) (1) nuclear fission, (2) karyokinesis (division of a cell nucleus during mitosis or meiosis)
[かんれつ] (n) cracks in drying lumber
[ばくれつ] (n,vs) exploding
[ひれつ] (n) (vulg) female genitalia
[れっしょう] (n) laceration
[だんれつ] (n,vs) snapping apart
[れっか] (n) dehiscent fruit (fruit that opens when ripe, i.e. peas)
[きれじ] (n) cloth, fabric

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