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あら.い, あら-

Strokes: 11
coarse, rough, rugged
[そこう] (n) crude steel
[あらすじ] (n) outline, summary
[そぼう] (adj-na,n) wild, rude, violent, hard
[そまつ] (adj-na,n) crude, rough, plain, humble
[そあく] (adj-na,n,adj-no) coarse, crude, inferior
[そや] (adj-na,n) rustic, rude, vulgar, rough
[そだい] (adj-na,n) coarse or rough
[あら] (n,pref) (1) coarse, crude, (2) defect, flaw, blemish, weak point
[あらに] (n) dish consisting of bony fish parts boiled in soy sauce
[あらかべ] (n) rough-coated wall
[そとう] (n) raw or unrefined sugar
[そみつ] (n) coarseness and fineness, sparse or dense (growth)

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